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Estados Unidos se unem ao UNODC e WCS para prevenir crimes ambientais na Bacia Amazônica

Views: 2155
(June 28, 2022) O Escritório das Nações Unidas sobre Drogas e Crime (UNODC) e a Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), em parceria com a Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID), apresentaram, nesta terça-feira (28/07), as iniciativas Conservando Juntos e ECOS, em cerimônia em Lima, no Peru, com a presença de autoridades governamentais, Ministério Público, corpo diplomático e representantes de organizações da sociedade civil. A conservação da bacia amazônica é uma das prioridades...


Estados Unidos se unem ao UNODC e WCS para prevenir crimes ambientais na Bacia Amazônica

Views: 2099
(June 28, 2022)   -   O Escritório das Nações Unidas sobre Drogas e Crime (UNODC) e a Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), em parceria com a Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID), apresentaram as iniciativas Conservando Juntos e ECOS, em cerimônia em Lima, no Peru.


WCS Brazil Issues Statement on the Amazon Fires

Views: 2879
WCS Brazil Issues Statement on the Amazon Fires
(August 23, 2019)   -   “The Amazon, a fortress for life on Earth, is burning nearly twice as fast as last year.  All parties must come together to stop the setting of these devastating fires.  “These fires are threatening the livelihoods of all Amazonian people - indigenous and non-indigenous, urban and rural; destroying the world’s greatest home for wild species of plants and animals; and reducing the forests which store and sequester carbon and help curtail our planet’s climate cris...


WCS Brazil participated in the 16th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles.

Views: 3229
WCS Brazil participated in the 16th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles.
(August 19, 2018)   -   WCS Brazil participated in the "16th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles” held in Fort Worth, Texas, between 12th and 15th of August. The Symposium is an international meeting where researchers and breeders from all over the world gather to present their studies and discuss chelonians ecology. WCS Brasil gave three oral presentations showing the results of the work developed with chelonians in the Brazilian Amazon.


Feral pigs, vampire bats, and infectious diseases in rural Brazil

Views: 4982
Feral pigs, vampire bats, and infectious diseases in rural Brazil
(March 23, 2017)   -   A new study examines the impacts of invasive feral pigs, a favorite prey of vampire bats, on ecosystems in rural Brazil. The distribution of feral pigs — which are also known as wild boars, or “javali” in Portuguese, and are actually the same species as the domestic pig (Sus scrofa) — has increased five-fold since they were first recorded in Brazil in 2007.A group of Brazilian researchers found that not only might populations of vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) explode as...


Scientists Produce a New Roadmap For Guiding Development & Conservation Efforts in the Amazon

Views: 4429
Scientists Produce a New Roadmap For Guiding Development & Conservation Efforts in the Amazon
(December 23, 2016)   -   New river basin classification will help safeguard region’s biodiversity and monitor infrastructure developmeScientists from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), the Nature Conservancy, and several partners in Brazil and Peru have produced a geographic information system (GIS) “roadmap” to help guide conservation efforts at large scale in the Amazon River basin, a region roughly the size of the United States.The new spatial framework—created with several major data sets a...


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