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Project “Queixada Pecarídeo”

Views: 6526
(December 14, 2009)   -   In Novemeber 2009,  we were extremely excited because for the first time, we were able to catch some very elusive white-lipped peccaries (in the Pantanal's Cerrado plateau). This will give us the opportunity to see if the population moves back and forth from the highlands to the Pantanal, show whether the highland populations are different genetically from the Pantanal pop., and define ecological corridors in this very unique region that is  threatened by deforestation.  &nbs...


National Geographic and WCS Brasil will film capuchin monkey

Views: 6900
(October 09, 2009)   -   National Geographic grantee and WCS-Brasil Conservation Scientist Jean Boubli travels to Brazil’s Rio Negro in Amazon rain forest to search for a wedge-capped capuchin, a primate that historically is not known to inhabit the region. The primatologist is able to document the monkey on film for the first time ever and collect genetic samples to help determine if this is a new taxon.


WCS-Amazon researchers start field activities on BR-19

Views: 6654
(October 07, 2009)   -   From 21 to 29 July 2009, the WCS-Brazil/Amazon team started the field work for the project “Effects of the repaving of BR-319 on the medium- and large-sized mammals”. With the help of six local field assistants, they managed to set up one of the six sampling plots planned. Each plot is made up of four trails each 4 kilometers long, destined to sample medium- and large-sized mammal species. Due to the bad road conditions and the type of vegetation in the area, field activities took l...


Eighty kilometers more of trails are opened up on BR-19

Views: 6826
(October 05, 2009)   -   A month after the end of the first phase of trail openings on BR-319, the WCS-Brazil/Amazon team returns to the road to conclude the opening up of the sampling plots. From Aug 29 to Sep 12, researchers Eduardo Venticinque, Fabio Rohe, Marcelo dos Santos Jr and Maíra Benchimol, together with 11 local field assistants, opened up 80 kilometers of trails (5 plots) along the road connecting Manaus to Porto Velho. With this, the sampling system tha will enable an assessment of the impac...


Novos 80 km de Trilhas São Abertos na BR-319

Views: 6161
(October 05, 2009)   -   Um mês após fechamento da primeira fase de abertura de trilhas na BR-319, a equipe WCS–Brasil/Amazônia retorna à rodovia para finalizar a abertura dos plots de amostragem. Entre os dias 29/8 e 12/9, os pesquisadores Eduardo M. Venticinque, Fabio Rohe, Marcelo A. dos Santos Jr e Maíra Benchimol juntamente com onze auxiliares de campo dentre eles alguns comunitários, abriram 80 km de trilhas (5 plots) entre os km 220 e 420 da rodovia que liga Manaus a ...


Wildlife Conservation Society discovers a new Monkey in Brazil

Views: 6357
(September 29, 2009)   -   NEW YORK -- The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today the discovery of a new monkey in a remote region of the Amazon in Brazil. The monkey is related to saddleback tamarins, which include several species of monkeys known for their distinctively marked backs. The newly described distinct subspecies was first seen by scientists on a 2007 expedition into the state of Amazonas in northwestern Brazil. The monkey is related to saddleback tamarins, which include several species of ...


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