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White-Lipped Peccary Trails Lead to Archeological Discovery in Brazil: 4,000 To 10,000-Year-Old Cave Drawings

Views: 7818
White-Lipped Peccary Trails Lead to Archeological Discovery in Brazil: 4,000 To 10,000-Year-Old Cave Drawings
(November 18, 2013)   -   While tracking white-lipped peccaries and gathering environmental data in forests that link Brazil's Pantanal and Cerrado biomes, a team of researchers from the Wildlife Conservation Society and a local partner NGO, Instituto Quinta do Sol, discovered ancient cave drawings made by hunter-gatherer societies thousands of years ago.


Agroforestry Course - Pantanal

Views: 5901
Agroforestry Course - Pantanal
(November 05, 2013)   -   WCS Brasil in partnership with Instituto Quinta do Sol gives an Agroforestry Course to family farmers in the highlands bordering the Pantanal. The idea is to promote sustainable land-use, improving the farmers livelihoods and protecting and recuperating regional streams and forests.


Capacity-building course - Pantanal

Views: 5560
Capacity-building course - Pantanal
(October 15, 2013)   -   The Pantanal team just recently conducted the 6th capacity-building course that teaches the movable fencing technique to owners and workers of regional dairy farms and small-scale livestock operations.   The main idea is that cows in a rotational grazing system will cause less damage to streams, aquatic habitats, and forest. The benefit for the farmer is that their pasture biomass and milk production both increase.


White lipped peccary IUCN status change from Near Threatened to Vulnerable

Views: 6190
(July 30, 2013)   -   The population decline of the White-lipped Peccary (Tayassu pecari) has recently steepened, resulting in this previously Near Threatened species being reassessed asVulnerable. The threats causing this decline are habitat loss, illegal hunting, competition with livestock, and epidemics, and it is even disappearing from areas of pristine habitat in the Amazon rainforest. It is uncertain whether the existing network of reserves is adequate to allow the formation of large herds of this spe...


Sushi for Peccaries?

Views: 6374
(April 29, 2013)   -   The images of fish consumption by white-lipped peccaries were taken by Douglas Fernandes in the Brazilian Pantanal wetlands one morning back in 2011. A short description of the observations, along with the digital photographs taken, will appear in the latest edition of Suiform Soundings(IUCN Peccary Specialist Group Newsletter). "As far as we know, these are the first images of fish consumption by white-lipped peccaries," said Dr. Alexine Keuroghlian of the Wildlife Conservation Society ...


York students take part in study of Brazilian wetland

Views: 6797
(December 06, 2012)   -   For the better part of two decades, biologists Alexine Keuroghlian and Donald Eaton have made it their mission to attempt to understand the Pantanal's complex and diverse ecosystem. Although they are studying very different aspects of the region, both are working toward a common goal — to understand the biological and environmental effect cattle ranching is having on this vital region. Keuroghlian's specialty is peccaries, a pig-like animal that uses the Pantanal and adjacent areas as its...


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