Camila Rudge Ferrara
Especialista em Conservação de Quelônios
Camila Ferrara has a veterinary degree and has always been very interest in chelonian (turtles, tortoises, and terrapins) behavior and ecology and has been working in Amazon since 2003. During this time she completed her masters and PhD in Aquatic Biology, with a focus on turtle ecology and conservation, at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) in Manaus, Brazil. She also coordinated for two years on the project Tartarugas da Amazonia (Turtles of Amazonia), managing field-based monitoring efforts, work with local-communities to protect nesting beaches, and environmental education activities. She began working for WCS in March 2013 as the Aquatic Wildlife Ecologist for the Brazilan Amazon Program. Her responsibilities include creating a conservation plan for freshwater turtles in Amazonas State, training professionals, students, and local community members in wildlife monitoring techniques, and coordinating WCS monitoring and conservation efforts aimed at aquatic wildife (especially turtles) priority areas.